Thursday, March 21, 2013

ASPET at EB2013

Are you ready for Experimental Biology next month? Are you registered? Got your flight booked? Did you find a hotel less than 2 miles from the convention center so you don't get terrible blisters on your heels when you have to walk back to get something you forgot? Are you ready for awesome science and great networking opportunities?

For those of you who will be there and those of you who won't, I'll be taking over Scicurious's post as official ASPET blogger for EB2013. Unfortunately, last minute changes created a snag in her plans and she's unable to attend (which is a bummer because I was hoping to meet up with her).

The crickets have been pretty loud lately over here at Sickness is Fascinating due to the realities of grad school. I thought back in January, "Hey, I don't have classes anymore! I'm going to have SO much time to blog!" Excuse me while I LOL ruefully on the floor. My research cranked up a notch and I'm currently penning my first first author paper and a book chapter. These things eat up most of my time. Thankfully, I have a vacation, er, conference coming up which will give me time to blog! Thanks EB and thanks ASPET for the wonderful opportunity!

The meeting runs from April 20-24 in Boston, MA. If I don't see you there, I hope to see you here at the blog or on Twitter!

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